Saturday, 5 January 2013


Consequences of editing any Web Browser for increasing internet speed.

If you search on Google about how to increase your internet speed on your Pc,there you will find many answers and articles about how to increase your internet speed.Most of the articles tell to do various changes to your computer or browser,which are suggested on net.They will either tell you to edit your browser and change some preferences or to change the regedit on run command.If you take advantage of these things,then your computer or browser will not work properly.The main consequences of these things are given below:-

  1. The biggest disadvantage of these changes is that your computer starts givivg slow response.In some cases the computer automatically shut downs[in xp and vista].It also creates problem in installing large files on your computer. 
  2. Try not to install too many toolbars in your browser.It also slows down the net speed.Editing your browser may result in "unable to connect"problem whenever you try to connect to net.
  3. Sometimes your computer gives fake messages when you you connect to net.It also gets disconnected when you are downloading a big file from net.
  4. The best way to increase your net speed is by changing the Proxies and the Proxy Ports,by using different APNs and changing the Authentication type to NONE,PAP,or CHAP.The most important thing about net speed is that the speed depends upon the type of network you are using,the speed comes from the network.You can never increase your internet speed by making various changes to your computer.Type the following in your Web Browser and you will get the maximum speed of your network.
  5. Go the the Settings of your Browser.Then go to Advance Tab.There you will find Proxy and Proxy Port.Give Proxy as and Port 3128,leave others fields blankand save your settings.

You will get the best speed of your nrtwork.

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