Sunday, 13 October 2013

How to know the Person you are Chatting on Facebook is Real or FAKE

Several methods to Differentiate between a Real and a Fake Profile .

Google .
your eyes .
IP Address .

By using above three methods you can easily find out which profile is real and which one is fake . now i am going to explain all th methods one by one .Google .Trust me Google plays an importantrole in this . Google knows everything . Yes It's true . If you aretalking with a girl or boy on Facebook and you want to know that person is real or fake then just follow the simple steps .Copy the link of the Profile picture of Fake Profile .Go toGoogle Imagesand paste the link of Picture . [ the link of the picture is must be public ] .Or you can also upload the picture .Google will show you the various URL from where the Profile Pictureis copied . So Don't go on looks of a girl guys . she might be FAKE .i am showing you an example how can you identify a fake profile through Google images .So here is an Profile of a girl namedPriyal Garg. I copied theLinkof her Profile picture , let's seewhat Google show me .Google show me this Result ,Check here, Scroll down a bit and you willsee various Websites from where this Pic was taken .IP Address of the user .As you know , Fake person never tells his Real Country or State . Right ? So the only method you can know their location is by their IP address .I posted  two awesome method about How you can get anyone IP address and by using this you can trace their Location . Check below .Get anyone IP address using IP Logger .The most easy way to get anyoneIP Address .Use the above methods to get anyone IP address and get their Real Location .Your Eyes .Eyes are the most powerfulSecurityTool. Use the activity on someone profile which seems to be look like fake .How to Report Fake Profile .If you find any Fake profile and youwant to Report it on Facebook , then go to their Profile . Clcik on the last tab , Choose Report and go with FAKE Profile Option .Facebook will take action and for better results tell your friends to Report the same profile .I hope you like this tutorial  and i guess you understand all the points but still i have any doubt then you can contact me on comment section.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Aircel 100 mb 3g trick with Wikipedia Proxy October-November 2013

aircel 3g trick working all over

Today i got a new aircel trick
working all over india with 3g
speed at 0 balance,basically this
trick is based upon wikipedia host
as aircel and wikimedia
announced wikipedia as free page
which makes us to tweak this
config with wikipedia host as our
previous airtel 3g proxy and
vodafone twitter 3g tricks are
working fine till now so this time
its aircel 3g trick september
1)enjoy 3g internet at 0 balance
many of you want to use https
sites like gmail and facebook no
issues with this trick you can
enjoy https sites without any
3) VPN STATS : There is no
annoying ads with this vpn or
config you can enjoy clean
NOTE: use aircelwap as apn
well you know this is nmd vpn
config you need to have nmd vpn
first and download our config and
copy in config folder of nmd vpn
run as admin to connect with
config if you dont run as admin
vpn will never connect
just download config and run and
remember to use aircelwap as apn
and maintain 1rs balance to get 3g
according to some states this
config is running till 100mb daily
so however it is free so better to
use it free that 100mb,thats all
about aircel 3g trick september
october 2013,dont forget to like us
on fb to get tricks without survey.